Tips and advice for getting started with Ruby on Rails.
ViewStart with the book that is called, "The best Rails book for beginners."
“If you're new to web development, I recommend Daniel Kehoe's excellent Learn Ruby on Rails book. Learn Ruby on Rails is the gentlest introduction to Rails that I know of, so it's a great place for beginners to start.”
— Michael Hartl
author of the Ruby on Rails Tutorial
What people are saying about Daniel Kehoe‘s tutorials…
“As a junior developer trying to build my own startup, you have no idea how valuable these tutorials are to me.”
“Learn Ruby on Rails is a great book for anyone starting to learn web development, giving you the context and explanations at the right time in an encouraging way.”
co-founder of Rails Girls
“Thanks so much for this. There are so many tutorials for absolute beginners, and lots of stuff that assumes expert knowledge, but not much, besides practice, to span the gap.”